Sometime you may need to recover a table when all you have is the .ibd file. In this case, if you try to load it into a new instance, your ...
Android Loading SQLite Data Into TableLayout
In the previous few tutorials we have seen an example relating to TableLayout they are Basic Android Table Layout and Buidling Dynamic Table...
Using Sqlite3 in Bash
After my previous post about working with sqlite3 on #perl, here’s an other quick script to explore how to use this simple DB in #bash. #!/...
Convert C++ String to Lower Case (or Upper Case)
I don’t usually need to convert string case in C++ so when the need comes up I’ve usually forgotten how to do it and have to Google. While t...
C# create application running single
[DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hW...
Simple Image Lazy Load and Fade
One of the quickest and easiest website performance optimizations is decreasing image loading. That means a variety of things, including mi...
Loading image fadeIn with CSS + Javascript
Example I've deliberately made the image quite a large filesize so you'll have a chance to see the 'loading…' message b...
Add UTM parameters with jQuery
On a recent project we needed to add UTM query parameters (for Google Analytics tracking) to all outbound links to a specific domain. I did...
How to Flush Memory Cache on Linux Server
Many times systems faced low memory issues of Linux systems running a while. The reason is that Linux uses so much memory for disk cache is ...
JSON encode utf8 in PHP
Using json_encode and JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE constants json_encode($response,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) Using json_encode, iconv and preg_mat...